WEBVTT - Made with VTT Creator 00:00.400 --> 00:05.075 shot of a plane as it taxis down the runway 00:05.451 --> 00:11.451 panning drone-based shot of a metal bridge as cars drive over 00:11.779 --> 00:17.000 two construction workers conversing while standing on a dirt road by a lake 00:17.450 --> 00:22.005 panning shot of a monorail train as it approaches its stop, presumably in Las Vegas. 00:22.604 --> 00:27.000 A construction worker in a high-viz jacket walks down a dirt road 00:27.964 --> 00:31.964 Panning shot of a highway from point of view of a car as it approaches a typical midwestern american city skyline 00:32.055 --> 00:34.055 Point of view shot of a biker as the camera follows closely behind another biker while on a metropolitan bike path