
China’s Maritime Silk Road Initiative: Implications for the Global Maritime Supply Chain

Date: Thursday, October 17, 2019 Time: 02:00 PM Location: Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2167


You can also watch the hearing live on YouTube by clicking here.


Panel I 

Lieutenant General Giovanni K. TuckDirector for Logistics, J4, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Testimony

Mr. Chad SbragiaDeputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for China, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Testimony

Ms. Carolyn BartholomewChairwoman, United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission, Testimony

Panel II

Mr. Jonathan E. HillmanDirector, Reconnecting Asia Project, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Testimony

Dr. Jeffrey BeckerResearch Program Director, Center for Naval Analysis, Testimony

Ms. Kathleen WalshAssociate Professor of National Security Affairs, Naval War College, Testimony