
“Eliminating Bottlenecks: Examining Opportunities to Recruit, Retain, and Engage Aviation Talent”

Subcommittee: Aviation Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2024 Time: 10:00 AM Location: 2167 Rayburn HOB


The hearing will examine provisions enacted into law by the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 (P.L. 118-63) that seek to mitigate and eliminate a myriad of bottlenecks plaguing the United States civil aviation workforce pipelines to ensure the American aviation industry can recruit, retain, and engage with aviation talent to remain a global leader in aviation safety and innovation.


  1. Mr. Dave Spero
    National President
    Professional Aviation Safety Specialists, AFL-CIO
  2. Ms. Joanna Damoto
    Senior Vice President
    Education, Training and Workforce Development, National Business Aviation Association (NBAA)
  3. Mr. Michael Robbins
    President and Chief Executive Officer
    Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI)
  4. Mr. Matthew Montgomery
    Department Chair
    Department of Professional Aviation, Louisiana Tech University