
Proposals for a Water Resources Development Act of 2022: Members’ Day Hearing

Subcommittee: Water Resources and Environment Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2022 Time: 10:00 AM Location: 2167 Rayburn House Office Building and Virtually


The purpose of this hearing is to provide Members with an opportunity to testify before the Subcommittee on their WRDA priorities related to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). This testimony will help to inform the drafting of a new WRDA for 2022, which the committee expects to approve this year.  

Members Submitting Testimony:

Rick Allen

Nanette Barragán

Sanford Bishop

Earl Blumenauer

Earl L. "Buddy" Carter

Ed Case

Luis Correa

Jim Costa

Rosa L. Delauro

Lizzie Fletcher

Sylvia Garcia

Josh Gottheimer

Brian Higgins 

Darrell Issa

Marcy Kaptur

Brenda L. Lawrence

Susie Lee

Elaine Luria

Tracey Mann

James P. McGovern

Grace Meng

Mary E. Miller

Frank J. Mrvan

Dan Newhouse

Stacey Plaskett

Katie Porter

Lisa Blunt Rochester

Bradley S. Schneider

Kurt Schrader

Pete Sessions

Mikie Sherrill

Darren Soto

Melanie A. Stansbury

Paul D. Tonko

Lori Trahan

David Trone

David G. Valadao

Debbie Wasserman Schultz 

Robert J. Wittman