
“The Future of Automated Commercial Motor Vehicles: Impacts on Society, the Supply Chain, and U.S. Economic Leadership”

Subcommittee: Highways and Transit Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Time: 10:00 AM Location: 2167 Rayburn HOB


The purpose of this hearing is to allow Members of the Subcommittee to explore the impact of automated commercial motor vehicle (CMV) deployment and its potential impact on our economy, the transportation and logistics industry, and supply chains, while enhancing safety and maintaining American leadership in the AV industry.


  1. Ms. Cathy Chase
    Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety
  2. Mr. Chris Spear
    President and Chief Executive Officer
    American Trucking Associations
  3. Mr. Jeff Farrah
    Executive Director
    Autonomous Vehicle Industry Association
  4. Mr. Chris Urmson
    Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer
    Aurora Innovation, Inc.