October 02, 2020

Chair DeFazio Statement on Bill to Extend Critical Worker Support Program

Washington, DC- Chair of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Peter DeFazio (D-OR) issued the following statement after Republicans blocked H.R. 8504, the Payroll Support Program Extension Act, from moving forward. H.R. 8504 would extend the highly successful Payroll Support program to keep hundreds of thousands of workers employed, with benefits, through March 31, 2021. Bill text can be found here.

“Millions of Americans are out of work through no fault of their own, and just yesterday, tens of thousands of aviation workers learned they will lose their jobs—yet apparently, Republicans are content sitting back while the American people suffer and the Trump administration botches the pandemic response, which has only prolonged the devastating effects on our health and our economy. This is shameful. Congress has a responsibility to fight for workers and families, and I will continue to do so until we get people the relief they are so desperately seeking right now.”

Watch video of Chair DeFazio’s floor remarks here.
