February 21, 2019

Chairs DeFazio and Maloney React to Reports of Coast Guard Lieutenant’s Arrest Amid Plans to Commit Mass Domestic Terrorism

Washington, D.C. – Today, the Chairman of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Peter DeFazio (D-OR) and Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY) reacted to recent reports that a member of the United States Coast Guard was arrested after federal authorities discovered weapons in his home that authorities say he stored to launch a massive domestic terror attack targeting politicians and journalists.

“The recent Washington Post article detailing a U.S. Coast Guard Lieutenant’s plans to commit mass domestic terrorism is deeply disturbing,” said DeFazio. “We cannot tolerate any level of bigotry or terror within our military ranks. With that said, this is no way reflective of the important work the brave men and women of the United States Coast Guard carry out every day. I am thankful to the Coast Guard for their transparency and ongoing cooperation, and to the FBI for their diligence in arresting this man before he was able to inflict harm.”

"Christopher Hasson's dangerous and racist beliefs are a threat to the public and we’re all safer now that he’s been caught. His extreme views obviously don't represent the brave men and women of the Coast Guard, who dedicate their lives to protecting our country,” said Maloney. “I want to thank the Guard's Investigative Service for working alongside the FBI to apprehend this terrorist before he could carry out an attack."

