DeFazio Introduces Legislation to Extend the Deadline to Complete Tribal Transportation Self-Governance Rule
Washington, D.C. -- Today, House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Ranking Member Peter DeFazio (D-OR) introduced H.R. 6414, legislation to extend by 18 months the deadline for the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) and tribal leaders to develop and issue a rulemaking on tribal transportation self-governance. The deadline for final completion of the negotiated rulemaking under the Tribal Transportation Self-Governance Program, as required by section 1121 of the FAST Act, was originally set for June 2018. H.R. 6414 will extend this deadline through December 2019.
“As the sponsor of section 1121 of the FAST Act, it is my hope that the tribes and DOT will use this time to engage in meaningful dialogue and cooperatively develop a tribal self-governance rule. This bill to provide an extension of the current deadline, demonstrates that Congress supports ongoing discussion among the parties, not a one-sided approach. I will push for the legislation to be swiftly considered by the House,” said DeFazio.
The legislation can be found here.
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