May 14, 2021

ICYMI: DeFazio Discusses How Bold Infrastructure Investment Can Boost America’s Competitive Edge During The Hill’s “The Future of Mobility” Virtual Panel

PAD Mobility Summit

WASHINGTON, DC As part of The Hill’s virtual panel titled, “The Future of Mobility: Groundbreaking Mobility Tech,” Chair of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Peter DeFazio (D-OR) spoke with The Hill’s Editor-at-Large Steve Clemons about how big, bold investment in America’s infrastructure can create jobs, bolster U.S. competitiveness in the global economy, create safer, more equitable communities, and address climate change. DeFazio underscored that we can’t afford not to be making these investments in our deteriorating infrastructure and transportation systems, because failing to act will have real costs to communities, business, and families across the country.   

“If we allow things to continue to deteriorate, we’re going to become more and more congested, and less and less competitive in the world economy,” DeFazio said. “And the toll on people’s lives— both individuals and business—is many, many, many billions of dollars of wasted time every year.”

DeFazio also highlighted the emphasis on equity that both he and President Biden have put forth.

“My last bill allowed states to spend money to essentially de-construct, or construct in alternate ways, transportation routes that had divided communities…there [are] great opportunities as we rebuild to rebuild both resilient and in ways that are much more livable and reconnect people, as opposed to separating,” DeFazio added.

To watch the full interview with Chair DeFazio, click here
