REMINDER: Chairman DeFazio Announces First Full Committee Hearing, “The Cost of Doing Nothing: Why Investing in Our Nation’s Infrastructure Cannot Wait”
Washington, DC- Tomorrow the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure will hold its first hearing of the 116th Congress on, “The Cost of Doing Nothing: Why Investing in Our Nation’s Infrastructure Cannot Wait”. The hearing will examine the current state of the Nation’s highways, bridges, transit systems, ports, and airports, the trillion-dollar backlog of maintenance and repair needs, and the increasing costs of Federal inaction.
“When I took over as Chairman of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, I promised that I would work to build bipartisan agreement for common sense solutions to address the major issues facing our aging, 20th century infrastructure. It is only fitting that the first full committee hearing will examine the current state of our roads, bridges, transit systems, ports, and airports, and what will happen if we do not immediately begin to address the massive backlog of critical needs. I look forward to kicking off my Chairmanship with a thoughtful, productive discussion that will inform our work on a comprehensive infrastructure bill that creates jobs, increases economic growth for all Americans,” said Chairman DeFazio.
More information about the hearing, including testimony, additional background information, and live webcast, can be found here.
“The Cost of Doing Nothing: Why Investing in Our Nation’s Infrastructure Cannot Wait”
Thursday, February 7, 2019
9:30 a.m.
HVC 210, Capitol Visitor Center
*REPORTERS ONLY Space is extremely limited. Please RSVP to or if you are planning to attend.
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