April 29, 2014

Rep. Rahall Reacts to DOT’s Surface Transportation Bill

Washington, D.C.U.S. Rep. Nick J. Rahall (D-WV), the Ranking Member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, issued the following statement today after the U.S. Department of Transportation put forward a multi-year proposal to fund the nation’s surface transportation programs:

“There are some in this Congress that are happy with the status quo when it comes to investing in our nation’s infrastructure.  I am not one of them.

“I appreciate that Secretary Foxx has laid down a marker that recognizes the critical need to invest in our highways, bridges, and other transportation systems.  I believe the funding levels he proposes are laudable, and I strongly support creating American manufacturing jobs through our transportation investments.  The Secretary’s proposal recognizes that America cannot achieve the substantial repair and improvement needed for our infrastructure without equally substantial funding.  But, of course, the devil is always in the details.

“Rebuilding America, ensuring our transportation infrastructure is safe and efficient, and putting people back to work are goals worthy of strong bipartisan support.  I look forward to reviewing this proposal in more detail and working with Secretary Foxx and my colleagues as Congress moves forward on a comprehensive bill.”