Press Releases

January 2017
DeFazio Announces Democratic Subcommittee Ranking Members, Vice Ranking Member for Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
Top Oversight and Transportation Committee Dems Request Information on GSA’s Steps to Address President Trump’s Apparent Breach of D.C. Hotel Lease
DeFazio, Larsen React to DOT IG’s Report on FAA Contingency Plans
DeFazio Announces Democratic Roster for Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
DeFazio Re-Elected Top Democrat on House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
DeFazio Urges President-Elect Trump to Use Existing Funds for Critical Dredging Projects
December 2016
Over 100 Members of Congress Urge President-Elect Trump to Protect American Jobs and Security, Reject NAI
GSA Says Trump Must Fully Divest Ownership of D.C. Hotel to Avoid Breach
DeFazio Statement on the House Passage of WRDA
Ranking Member DeFazio Reacts to DOT Decision to Grant NAI Permit
November 2016
Top Oversight and Transportation Committee Dems Request Briefing and Documents from GSA on President-Elect Trump’s D.C. Hotel Lease
Transportation Democrats to Republican Leaders: Don’t Shortchange Surface Transportation Funding in the Continuing Resolution
Democrats Raise Serious Concerns Facing Air Traffic Control Privatization Plan
Democratic Committee Leaders Ask DOT to Investigate Colonial Pipeline Company
October 2016
House Democrats Release Report, Urge Republicans to Connect Low Income People to Jobs with Higher Investment for Crumbling Transit Systems
House Democrats Release Clean Water Report on the 44th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act
DeFazio Criticizes Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration After Report Finds Lack of Progress on Rulemakings
House Democrats Urge Federal Oversight of New Jersey Transit, Release of Safety Audit
September 2016
Ranking Member DeFazio Dear Colleague: Oppose the Graves Amendment (#10)