November 2016 |
Democrats Raise Serious Concerns Facing Air Traffic Control Privatization Plan
Democratic Committee Leaders Ask DOT to Investigate Colonial Pipeline Company
October 2016 |
House Democrats Release Report, Urge Republicans to Connect Low Income People to Jobs with Higher Investment for Crumbling Transit Systems
House Democrats Release Clean Water Report on the 44th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act
DeFazio Criticizes Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration After Report Finds Lack of Progress on Rulemakings
House Democrats Urge Federal Oversight of New Jersey Transit, Release of Safety Audit
September 2016 |
Ranking Member DeFazio Dear Colleague: Oppose the Graves Amendment (#10)
Congressional Transportation Leaders Announce Selection of the Buses and Bus Facilities Competitive Grants Award Winners
July 2016 |
STB Reverses Ill-Conceived Proposals That Would Have Led to Significant Amtrak Delays
Oregon Representatives Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Communities, Establish Emergency Response Account for Rail Accidents
House Passes Bipartisan FAA Extension
DeFazio Urges the STB to Reject Complaint That Would Benefit Companies Using Unsafe Rail Tank Cars
Rep. Carson's opening statement at hearing on: “Independent Leasing Authorities: Increasing Oversight and Reducing Costs of Space Leased by Federal Agencies”
House and Senate Leaders’ Joint Statement on FAA Extension Agreement
June 2016 |
Ranking Member DeFazio' Statement on FAA Rules for Commercial Drones
May 2016 |
Ranking Member DeFazio's Opening Statement on T&I Hearing:" Improving the Safety and Reliability of the Washington Metro"
Rep. Grace Napolitano's statement on H.R. 876, the Zika Vector Control Act
Ranking Member Carson's opening statement at hearing: “Border Station Construction: Minimizing Costs and Leveraging Private Dollars"
DeFazio Blasts Republicans For Using Zika Crisis to Gut Clean Water Act