Press Releases

April 2015
DeFazio Asks DOT to Protect Travelling Public, Push ICAO to Address Lithium Ion Battery Transportation Risks
DeFazio Reacts to GAO Report On FAA Exposure to Cyberattacks
DeFazio Commends NTSB for Common Sense Rail Tank Car Safety Recommendations
March 2015
Ranking Member Peter DeFazio's statement on the Administration's GROW AMERICA Act
DeFazio Requests Investigation into Crude Oil Transportation and Emergency Response Capabilities
DeFazio Urges Administration to Curb Anti-Competitive Practices By Gulf Carriers
February 2015
DeFazio, Garamendi to GOP Leadership: Don’t Hold Coast Guard Funding Hostage to Push Political Agenda
DeFazio Requests Audit of Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Programs
January 2015
DeFazio Announces Democratic Subcommittee Ranking Members for Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
DeFazio Blasts U.S. DOT for Failing to Address Rail Tank Car Safety
DeFazio, Larsen, Garamendi Applaud Administration’s Efforts to Coordinate Federal Action in the Arctic
DeFazio Announces Democratic Roster for Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
Ranking Member DeFazio's Statement on H.R. 3, The Keystone XL Pipeline Act
DeFazio Fights Administration's Decision to Open Border to Mexican Trucks Starting Monday
DeFazio Blasts Republican Passage of Controversial Keystone XL Bill
Top Democrats Demand Boehner Follow Rules of the House for Controversial Keystone Vote
August 2014
IG Critical of Bridge Safety Implementation
July 2014
Rahall Votes to Advance Highway Trust Fund Fix
House Passes Fix to Highway Trust Fund
June 2014
WRRDA Signed Into Law