October 2013 |
Rahall Urges Passage of Bipartisan, Pro-Jobs Water Resources Bill
Transportation Leaders Introduce FEMA Reauthorization Act of 2013
Rahall: Shutdown is Compromising Transportation Safety
Committee Passes Water Resources Reform and Development Act
September 2013 |
Transportation Committee Leaders Introduce Bipartisan Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA)
August 2013 |
Rahall Addresses 11th Annual West Virginia Aviation Conference
Remarks of Ranking Member Rahall; CSX Suppliers Conference
At Rahall’s Request, DOT IG to Review Safety of Nation’s Bridges
July 2013 |
On 80th Anniversary of Public Works Administration, Rendell and Rahall to Call for Increased Infrastructure Investment
June 2013 |
Rahall’s SAFE Bridges Act Attracts Broad Support
Rahall, Transportation Leaders Introduce Legislation to Repair Nation’s Aging Bridges
To Ensure Safety of Nation’s Bridges, Rahall Calls for Expedited Inspection Requirements
May 2013 |
House Republicans Push Bill Waiving U.S. Permit for Foreign Pipeline Company
Rahall on Keystone Pipeline: "If there is no permit, it ain't legit"
Rahall Statement on FAA Contract Towers Decision
Bishop, Transportation Leaders Introduce Water Quality Protection and Job Creation Act of 2013
April 2013 |
Rahall Statement on the Nomination of Mayor Anthony Foxx as Secretary of Transportation
Rahall: Unprecedented Authority Given to EPA in Spruce Mine Decision
Shuster, Rahall Announce Special Panel Tasked with Developing Freight Transportation Improvements
March 2013 |
Ryan Budget Would End Highway and Transit Investment in FY 2015