May 08, 2024

What They Are Saying: Wide Array of Aviation Leaders Support Bipartisan, Bicameral FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024

Washington, D.C. - Last week, leaders of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee announced an agreement on a comprehensive, bipartisan, bicameral bill to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for five years, and numerous aviation industry leaders and stakeholders have since expressed their support for the agreement.

The FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 includes many provisions from similar FAA legislation the House passed overwhelmingly last summer.  In order to ensure Americans benefit from the safest and most efficient aerospace system in the world, the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 – as announced by House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Sam Graves (R-MO), House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Ranking Member Rick Larsen (D-WA), Senate Commerce Committee Chair Maria Cantwell (D-WA), and Senate Commerce Committee Ranking Member Ted Cruz R-TX) – provides critical safety enhancements, grows America’s aviation workforce, invests in infrastructure at airports of all sizes, sets clear priorities for advancing innovative aviation solutions, improves the flying public’s travel experience, and ensures a healthy general aviation sector for years to come.

FAA reauthorization efforts in the House also have been championed throughout the 118th Congress by Aviation Subcommittee Chairman Garret Graves (R-LA) and Aviation Subcommittee Ranking Member Steve Cohen (D-TN).

Statements of support from aviation stakeholders include:

Aeronautical Repair Station Association (ARSA): “At a time when the national airspace system (NAS) and the FAA are under intense scrutiny, you have collectively crafted a forward-looking piece of legislation that promises to enhance safety by improving the agency’s effectiveness, professionalism, transparency, and efficiency. The legislation makes significant investments in the aviation workforce that will help Americans from all backgrounds pursue fulfilling careers and ensure the industry and agency have the professional talent they need to be successful. The bill also makes investments to address current infrastructure needs and ensure the NAS has the physical capacity to support future growth.” – ARSA Executive Vice President Christian A. Klein

Aerospace Industries Association (AIA): “This legislation will ensure the United States strengthens our global leadership in aviation — unleashing innovation so new technologies and the next generation of aviation workers can thrive. Most importantly, the policies in this bill enhance flight safety for everyone. The Aerospace Industries Association is glad to see many priorities of the aviation manufacturing industry included in the text—modernizing FAA processes for safety and efficiency benefits; strengthening bilateral safety agreements; establishing a new aviation manufacturing workforce development program; and finalizing rules for the operation of powered-lift aircraft. We look forward to Congress taking action later this week to move this legislation before the May 10 deadline.” – AIA President & CEO Eric Fanning

Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA): “Maintaining the highest safety standards has been critical to establishing the U.S. as the global leader in aviation. ALPA applauds the bipartisan leadership of members of Congress to keep safety and the preservation of collective bargaining agreements of pilots front and center in the FAA reauthorization bill. This FAA reauthorization deal strengthens our industry, making flying safer for passengers, cargo, and crew without weakening the protections that have created the safest period in aviation history, and ALPA urges swift passage of this agreement…. ALPA has long maintained that as Congress considered this year’s FAA reauthorization, the focus should remain on breaking down barriers, opening up opportunities to ensure a robust and qualified pipeline of aviators, and providing air-service support for those living in rural and small communities without lowering the bar on safety.” – ALPA President Capt. Jason Ambrosi

Air Medical Operators Association (AMOA): “The Air Medical Operators Association (AMOA) commends your leadership in reaching agreement on the ‘FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024’. This robust, long-term reauthorization bill includes provisions that will significantly contribute to aviation safety and efficiency, as well as address emerging technologies and challenges.” – AMOA Executive Director Sally Veith

Aircraft Maintenance Fraternal Association (AMFA): “The bill will help keep the American flying public safe while also protecting American jobs. We encourage Congress to move quickly to approve the legislation to ensure safe and efficient operations across the country.” – AMFA National President Bret Oestreich

Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA): “AOPA is pleased to support passage of this year’s FAA Reauthorization as it will go a long way in helping our aviation system continue to modernize and remain safe.  And, for the first time ever, the measure recognizes the important role General Aviation contributes to the fabric of this great nation by including the first ever General Aviation title.” – the AOPA President & CEO Mark Baker

Airlines for America (A4A): “A4A appreciates the work of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the Senate Commerce Committee—along with countless congressional staff—who have worked for months to advance a bipartisan bill that will reauthorize the FAA for five more years. We remain committed to working collaboratively to support the safety of our national airspace, as well as provide certainty for the agency’s workforce and the traveling and shipping public.”

Airport Consultants Council (ACC): “ACC supports H.R. 3935 as it increases funding for airports, provides predictability and flexibility in the federal airport grant program, streamlines decisions relating to airports’ non-aeronautical land use, and helps strengthen the pipeline for the aviation workforce. The FAA has been operating under short-term authorizations since October 1 of last year. While the impacts have been limited so far, our members and our airport partners have witnessed the impacts of continued short-term extensions in the past. This can lead to uncertainty and delayed projects. Passage of a long-term reauthorization prior to the current May 10 deadline is critical to ensure that FAA can award FY 2024 Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grants with as little disruption as possible.” – ACC President T.J. Schulz

Airports Council International – North America (ACI-NA) and American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE): “Congress has an opportunity to approve bipartisan and bicameral FAA reauthorization legislation in the days ahead that enhances safety, increases investment in the nation’s airports, reduces unnecessary regulatory burdens, addresses workforce challenges, advances environmental goals, and promotes air service across the country. We urge adoption of this important measure quickly to provide much-needed certainty to airports and the nation’s aviation system.” – ACI-NA President & CEO Kevin Burke and AAAE President & CEO Todd Hauptli

Allied Pilots Association (APA): “Timely approval of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 is in the best interests of the traveling public. The United States leads the world in commercial aviation. The U.S. market isn’t just the world’s largest — it’s also the world’s safest — and enacting this vitally important legislation will help ensure our nation’s airlines can continue meeting unprecedented demand while upholding the highest standards of safety.” – APA President Capt. Ed Sicher

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO): “AASHTO – representing all 50 state departments of transportation (state DOTs), the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico – would like to strongly affirm our support for H.R. 3935, a bipartisan, bicameral bill to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). We thank the Congressional leadership for reaching consensus and bringing the multiyear FAA reauthorization to the House floor. This legislation is a stellar example of bipartisan collaboration between the House and the Senate, and we look forward to its enactment in order to ensure continued investment in and modernization of our nation’s aviation infrastructure and operations.” – AASHTO Executive Director Jim Tymon

American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA), National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA), and Portland Cement Association (PCA): The organizations “support passage of the bipartisan Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act of 2024 (H.R. 3935) to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for five years. We appreciate the increased investment in airport infrastructure and the reauthorization of the Airfield Pavement Technology Program included in the legislation…. We support swift passage of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 to advance important airport infrastructure projects as well as research and deployment to improve our airfield pavements.”

American Concrete Pipe Association (ACPA): “The American Concrete Pipe Association (ACPA) supports H.R. 3935, the ‘Federal Aviation Administration Act of 2024.’ We thank the Committee and its staff for the sustained effort to craft a bipartisan, long-term reauthorization of the FAA’s programs. In particular, the ACPA supports the increase in funding for the Airport Improvement Program (AIP), which will support much-needed investments in airport infrastructure….” – ACPA Director of Government Relations Trygve W. Hoff

American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC): “This critical legislation will enhance aviation safety, facilitate economic development, and meet the growing needs of the traveling public. In particular, the substantial and long-overdue increases in authorized annual funding for the Airport Improvement Program will boost investments in aviation infrastructure that support the safe and reliable movement of people and goods. New grant programs for resilience planning and PFAS remediation will equip airports to address new and emerging environmental threats. Lastly, ACEC supports the measures to continue the development of a comprehensive system for safely integrating Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and advanced air mobility (AAM) aircraft into the national airspace. Engineering firms utilize UAS for a wide array of services, including surveying, construction site monitoring, facility inspections, and wetlands mapping. Much more will be possible as the FAA implements the provisions in this important bill.” – ACEC President & CEO Linda Bauer Darr

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): “ASCE considers passage of a multi-year FAA reauthorization bill a top legislative priority…. Notable proposals include the development of a Runway Safety Council to develop strategies to address surface safety risks and the requirement for the FAA to develop technologies and equipment that improve onboard situational awareness for flight crewmembers in an effort to enhance the safety of ground operations. Safety is the watchword of the civil engineering profession, and we appreciate the provisions that aim to make air travel safer for passengers and system operators.” – ASCE Managing Director, Government Relations and Infrastructure Initiatives Caroline Sevier

Associated Equipment Distributors (AED): “The bipartisan FAA Reauthorization Act provides historic investments for airport infrastructure projects. The $4 billion for the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) is vital, and will positively impact the aviation industry, AED members that supply sell, rent, service, and manufacture the equipment needed to complete these important projects, and the broader economy. AED urges the support and expeditious passage of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 and commends you for this significant bipartisan achievement.” – Senior Vice President, Government & External Affairs Daniel B. Fisher

Associated General Contractors (AGC):  AGC KEY VOTE: VOTE “YES” ON H.R. 3935, THE FAA REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF 2024 – “America’s airport infrastructure has critical improvement needs amid ever-growing demands. The Airport Improvement Program (AIP) provides funding for runway and taxiway construction and rehabilitation, land acquisition and airfield lighting and signage. The funding levels for AIP that are included in this bill will help support high-paying construction careers while improving the traveling experience for millions of Americans. Likewise, this investment will help reduce congestion on the runway and ensure more on-time flights.” – AGC Vice President, Government Relations Alex Etchen

Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO (AFA): “This agreement will stabilize the FAA and provide it with the resources necessary to ensure America’s aviation system remains the gold standard for safety, security and connectivity. The agreement reached through the leadership of the committee chairs in the House and Senate addresses Flight Attendants’ key concerns. It moves the FAA in the correct direction on staffing and oversight of our industry, while rejecting poison pills that would harm workers and make our system less safe. We urge Congress to act before the May 10 deadline to ensure that the FAA has the resources and authority it needs to keep America flying.” – AFA International President Sara Nelson

Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA): “We call upon Congress to avoid further extensions and to promptly reauthorize the FAA. This legislation equips the FAA with the much-needed, long-term resources to uphold the safety of our nation’s aviation system.” – APFA National President Julie Hedrick

Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI): “AUVSI has continuously advocated for a long-term FAA Reauthorization bill to be enacted into law as soon as possible. A continued patchwork of extensions presents significant challenges for both government and industry, and this five-year FAA Reauthorization will inject much needed stability and continuity where it is needed most. The pre-conferenced FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 advances aviation safety and ensures a pathway for integration of both drones and AAM aircraft into the National Airspace System (NAS).” – AUVSI President & CEO Michael Robbins

BETA Technologies: “The bipartisan, bicameral legislation to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) includes key legislative provisions to promote emerging technologies and ensure the United States remains the global leader in aviation innovation…. Notably, the legislation contains provisions providing for the adoption of rules for the operation of powered-lift aircraft, expands existing programs for critical AAM infrastructure, and requires the FAA to ensure there is a pathway for industry to access vertical infrastructure for operations. These and other important AAM provisions will ensure the United States is at the forefront of innovation and adoption for years to come.” – Allie Cloyes, BETA Technologies Government Affairs

Cargo Airline Association (CAA): “CAA commends the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the Senate Commerce Committee for the months of hard work that have resulted in a strong bipartisan bill to reauthorize the FAA. We urge Congress to move quickly to pass this legislation and ensure needed stability and modernization for this essential agency.”– CAA President Lauren Beyer

Center for Transportation and the Environment (CTE): “This crucial legislation represents a significant step forward in advancing sustainable transportation practices at airports, and ensures that airports are planning for the transition to zero-emission technologies in every aspect of operations.” – CTE Executive Director Dan Raudebaugh

Coalition of groups representing passengers with disabilities: “The undersigned organizations write to express our appreciation and support for your efforts to improve the air travel experience of passengers with disabilities in the bipartisan, bicameral FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024. The accessibility provisions included in the bill represent another crucial step forward in the movement to ensure that all passengers with disabilities, including disabled veterans, have safe and dignified access to air travel.”

Coalition of Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS) and Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) stakeholders, including AURA Network Systems, Inc.; Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI); Merlin Labs, Inc.; Reliable Robotics Corporation; SkyGrid, LLC; Wisk Aero, LLC: “The FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 represents a significant milestone in the future of U.S. aviation and underscores the importance of U.S. leadership in emerging technologies. The provisions outlined in the bill demonstrate a deep understanding of the opportunities in advanced aviation, specifically Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS) and Advanced Air Mobility (AAM). By promoting safety, efficiency, and integration, this legislation fosters a supportive environment for these growing industries and ensures the U.S. remains a leader in aviation technology.”

Commercial Drone Alliance: “Included in this bill are provisions critical to the growth and development of the U.S. uncrewed aircraft system (UAS or ‘drone’) industry. This important legislation will bring much-needed stability and continuity to both the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and industry, and enable the U.S. drone industry to keep pace with other countries around the world.” – Commercial Drone Alliance Executive Director Lisa Ellman

Consumer Technology Association (CTA): “The Consumer Technology Association (‘CTA’) commends Congress on the bipartisan, bicameral FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 (‘FAA Reauthorization Act’) and supports its prompt passage and enactment into law. The legislation will ensure aviation safety, improve aircraft accessibility, and promote innovation in key areas such as unmanned aircraft systems (‘UAS’ or ‘drones’) and advanced air mobility (‘AAM’) operations.” – CTA CEO Gary Shapiro

Cure SMA: “On behalf of individuals with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), a neuromuscular disease, Cure SMA is pleased to support the disability provisions under consideration in the bipartisan, bicameral FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024. The disability provisions included within Title V Subtitle B (Accessibility) of the bipartisan, bicameral agreement would greatly improve the safety and dignity of passengers with SMA, including wheelchair users. The air travel experience for individuals with SMA and other disabilities remains vastly different than passengers without disabilities.” – Cure SMA President Kenneth Hobby

DroneUp: “On behalf of DroneUp, one of the country’s leading drone package delivery providers, we would like to convey our strong support for the recently released House Transportation and Infrastructure and Senate Commerce Science and Transportation Committees Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization. Your strong focus on the drone industry, and addressing issues critical to its future growth and success is very much noticed and appreciated.” – DroneUp Chief Operating Officer Anthony Vittone

Eve Air Mobility: “The FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024, H.R. 3935, prioritizes aviation safety while showing strong support for the AAM industry to ensure that there is a clear and defined pathway for the certification of eVTOLs, adoption of rules for the operation of powered-lift aircraft, and the integration of eVTOLs into the National Airspace System (NAS).” – Matthew Land, Eve Air Mobility Government Relations & Public Policy

Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA): “Passage of the long-term FAA Reauthorization is important for all of aviation, including the General Aviation Community. Reauthorization gives the FAA and the aviation community the stability necessary to address key issues ranging from regulation to fuels and put together the strategies and plans to keep America’s aviation infrastructure the best and most vibrant in the world.” – EAA CEO & Chairman of the Board Jack Pelton

Families of Continental Flight 3407: “The Families of Flight 3407 wish to express their heartfelt appreciation to the members of the House/Senate Conference Committee for their diligent efforts in reconciling differences and presenting a final FAA Reauthorization Bill. This bill addresses many critical safety concerns including those that have resulted in numerous near misses in recent years. The efforts of the Committee to bring forth a comprehensive bill that tackles these and other safety issues is an important step towards ensuring the safety and security of the flying public.”

John Kausner, who lost his 24- year- old daughter and law student Ellyce on Flight 3407: “We know firsthand the heartbreak and devastation caused by safety issues that are ignored for too long. This FAA Reauthorization Bill is critically important in preventing future tragedies.   As it progresses to both the House of Representatives and the Senate for passage, we strongly urge all members to give it their support.”

Ferrovial Vertiports: “We appreciate the hard work and collaboration this legislation represents, and respectfully request its swift consideration and enactment…. As a global leader in vertiport development, Ferrovial Vertiports supports the inclusion of pro-growth policies in FAA Reauthorization. AAM represents an opportunity for the aviation industry to safely expand, reaching new locations and use cases through innovation…. Ferrovial Vertiports supports FAA Reauthorization Act of 20024 because it will foster the next generation of aviation.” – Ferrovial Vertiports CEO Kevin E. Cox

Gate Gourmet: “As a leading global airline catering and provisioning services provider for both in-flight and airport lounges across 200 airports, Gate Gourmet strongly supports the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 (H.R. 3935)…. We applaud your bicameral, bipartisan agreement on this legislation and encourage Congress to swiftly consider and approve the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024.” – gategroup North America President Jens Kuhlen

General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA): “We will be pushing for swift passage of the bill, which will move both the FAA and industry forward by addressing safety issues, improving rulemaking and certification processes, strengthening the FAA’s international effectiveness, supporting workforce development, maintaining sustainability efforts and fostering innovation. We applaud Senators Maria Cantwell, Ted Cruz, Tammy Duckworth and Jerry Moran, and Representatives Sam Graves, Rick Larsen, Garret Graves and Steve Cohen and their staffs for their leadership and hard work to put forth a compromise bill that provides long-term direction to the FAA and supports the industry’s prioritization of increasing levels of safety and innovation. We urge the Senate and House to pass this bill before the May 10th expiration of the current authorization.” – GAMA President & CEO Pete Bunce

Global Business Travel Association (GBTA): “Thirty percent of U.S. business trips involve air travel, and safety of the National Airspace System (NAS) is a top concern for organizations sending their employees out on the road. The unfortunate rise of near-miss incidents and runway incursions makes clear that the FAA needs additional resources to safely manage the NAS. For the United States to maintain its status as the gold standard in aviation, we must act without delay. The aging physical and digital infrastructure of the NAS poses a real threat to the continued recovery and growth of business travel…. GBTA calls for swift passage of the comprehensive FAA reauthorization. Failure by Congress to do so misses out on critical opportunities to address pressing aviation safety issues, improve the traveler experience, and pave the way for integrating future technologies.” – GBTA CEO Suzanne Neufang

International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM): “Policy changes are needed and this FAA reauthorization legislation, while not perfect, offers many much-needed positive changes for passenger and worker safety and helps transform this vital industry into the future. For the above reasons, the IAM strongly supports the FAA Reauthorization bill (H.R. 3935) and urges your support for its passage into law.”

International Brotherhood of Teamsters: “This bill puts the safety and economic well-being of airline workers first and we encourage Congress to pass it quickly.” – Teamsters General President Sean M. O’Brien.

“On behalf of tens of thousands of Teamsters airline members, we are proud to support this legislation to reauthorize the FAA. This bill prioritizes safety across the aviation system, protects good union jobs, and directly addresses essential priorities for Teamsters airline workers—from pilots to gate agents and every job in between.” – Bob Fisher, Interim Director of the Teamsters Airline Division

International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) and National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC): “On behalf of the more than 11,000 chief fire and emergency medical services (EMS) officers of the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) and the nation’s volunteer fire, EMS, and rescue services, represented by the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC), we commend you for your bipartisan efforts towards a new, multi-year reauthorization of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) programs and policy.” – IAFC President & Board Chair Fire Chief John S. Butler and NVC Chair Steven W. Hirsch

Lilium Aviation, Inc.: “Lilium, developer of the first all-electric vertical take-off and landing (‘eVTOL’) jet and global pioneer in Regional Air Mobility (RAM), thanks you and your staff for finalizing the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Act of 2024….  We commend your work to understand and prioritize Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) in this legislation. Specifically, we are encouraged to see inclusions of several crucial initiatives that will bolster the commercialization, scale, and adoption of powered-lift aircraft in the US.” – Lilium Aviation, Inc. Head of Public Affairs & Partnerships Matthew Broffman

National Agricultural Aviation Association (NAAA): “The NAAA is in support of the legislation…. NAAA is most pleased with the safety provisions in H.R. 3935 that protect manned ag aircraft in low-altitude airspace, such as language requiring the FAA to ensure the safety of low-altitude manned aircraft from drones, or uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) operating beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS). In addition, the NAAA is also greatly supportive of language in the bill that the FAA promulgate the marking and logging of towers in rural areas between 50-200 feet with a width of 10 feet or less within one-year.” – NAAA CEO Andrew D. Moore

National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA): “This legislation represents a historic opportunity to improve our National Airspace System…. The provisions in this bill that address controller hiring, training, and staffing will, over the five-year authorization, make great improvements to staffing in our air traffic control facilities, reducing fatigue and improving safety and efficiency. NATCA’s members urge all Members of Congress to support the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 and pass it before the May 10 deadline.” – NATCA President Rich Santa

National Air Transportation Association (NATA): “The pre-conference FAA Reauthorization bill released Monday marks another significant milestone toward meaningful, comprehensive FAA reform. NATA appreciates the diligent work of Senate Commerce and House Transportation Committee leadership to finalize a bicameral agreement, and asks Senate and House leaders to prioritize its final passage ahead of the May 10 expiration of FAA authorization. The bipartisan agreement between Senators Cantwell and Cruz and Representatives Graves and Larsen will provide much-needed direction on FAA modernization and efficiency, improving the safety of the National Airspace System and enabling more effective, timely interaction between regulators and aviation businesses.” – NATA President & CEO Curt Castagna

National Association of Manufacturers (NAM): “The National Association of Manufacturers applauds bipartisan, bicameral efforts to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration. The aviation industry is critical to our nation’s economy and the success of U.S. manufacturers. The NAM commends the work of committee leaders in both the House and Senate to update the FAA’s programs and authorities and streamline permitting processes. We will continue to work with Congress to ensure passage of a long-term FAA reauthorization.” – NAM Director, Transportation, Infrastructure & Labor Policy Max Hyman

National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO): “This compromise legislation would increase investments in our nation’s public-use airports, especially providing more federal support for general aviation airports – the backbone of our aviation system…. We strongly urge Congress to pass this bicameral, bipartisan agreement before the current authorization expires. We need a long-term reauthorization of the FAA as short-term extensions prevent the industry and the FAA from conducting long-term planning and investment in our national aviation system, including planning for and completing critical airport infrastructure projects.” – NASAO Board of Directors Chair & North Dakota Aeronautics Commission Director Kyle Wanner and NASAO President and CEO Gregory Pecoraro

National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA): “The FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 supports efforts to improve U.S. runways, taxiways, and associated infrastructure by authorizing a significant increase to the Airport Improvement Program…. This bipartisan legislation will provide aviation and airport infrastructure policies that not only improve safety but also foster economic development and cater to the increasing demands of the traveling public.” – NSSGA President & CEO Michael W. Johnson

National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA): “America’s utility construction industry strongly supports the House’s FAA Reauthorization Act. The bill ensures aviation safety through modernization and reform but also addresses billions in critical airport infrastructure needs. By investing in modernization and innovation, this bill can efficiently pave the way for a safer and more resilient U.S. aviation system.” – NUCA Vice President of Government Affairs Zack Perconti

NetJets Association of Shared Aircraft Pilots (NJASAP): “NJASAP is exceedingly pleased with the number of substantial, aviation-worker-focused enhancements featured in the bill. The innovation and modernization that characterize this measure makes clear that Congress has prioritized the safety, security and efficiency of the National Airspace System." – NJASAP President Capt. Pedro Leroux

"Undeniably, the 2024 FAA Reauthorization measure features much-needed language that gives aviation interests – regulators, labor and operators – additional tools and resources that help mitigate the myriad of issues that challenge our industry.” – NJASAP Government Affairs Committee Chair Capt. Coley George 

Neuromuscular Disease Community Coalition: “In service of the approximately 300,000 Americans living with a neuromuscular disease, for whom we collectively serve, the undersigned 31 patient advocacy organizations urge you to swiftly enact the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024, which would represent the greatest progress in making air travel safer and more dignified for those with disabilities in nearly forty years…. The accessibility provisions within the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 would make air travel substantially safer and more dignified for those with disabilities.”

Regional Airline Association (RAA): “This measure [Enhanced Qualification Pathway] to improve training will also widen the accessibility of pilot career training – a major win for aviation safety and the traveling public…. In an era of partisan divide, the Chairs and Ranking Members of aviation-focused Committees and Subcommittees are demonstrating that honest policy discourse, between chambers and across the aisle, can still win the day for the American people. The FAA reauthorization agreement materially improves aviation safety and takes steps to reconnect American communities. RAA urges swift passage in the House and Senate and looks forward to supporting implementation.” – RAA President & CEO Faye Malarkey Black

Reliable Robotics: “Providing a long term and forward looking reauthorization for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is crucial to aviation safety and United States competitiveness…. Reliable Robotics Corporation is proud to support the legislation and we look forward to its enactment into law…. The compromise FAA bill recognizes the historic innovation which is occurring in aviation and the need for government to rapidly adapt while maintaining safety as our highest priority. The United States is the world leader in aviation, and through the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024, we are positioning ourselves to retain and grow this role.” – Reliable Robotics Co-founder & CEO Robert W. Rose

Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association (SMACNA): “On behalf of our membership, I express our strongest support for expedited passage of H.R. 3935, the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024, a bill reforming the nation’s airport transportation infrastructure…. our contractors, working on almost every significant airport expansion, upgrade or new construction project across the nation, endorses the compromise FAA reauthorization represented by H.R. 3935.” – SMACNA Executive Director, Government and Political Affairs Stanley E. Kolbe, Jr.

Small UAV Coalition: “The Small UAV Coalition applauds the extensive efforts of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the Senate Commerce Committee for working tirelessly to advance a bipartisan bill that will reauthorize the FAA for five more years…. Now that Congress is providing clear direction on the BVLOS rulemaking, we urge the FAA to publish its NPRM expeditiously and advance the agency’s efforts to lead the world in providing for safe BVLOS flights at scale. The Coalition looks forward to continuing its work with Congress on promoting a regulatory framework that will allow the drone industry to bring the numerous benefits this technology provides to communities across the country while maintaining U.S. leadership in aviation.”

Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA): “Reaching agreement on a bipartisan reauthorization bill was made possible by tireless efforts of key congressional leaders and their staff…. Their leadership has been instrumental in shaping a bill that not only bolsters our nation’s aerospace and aviation workforces but also fortifies the FAA, ensuring safer skies and a more robust aviation industry for generations to come.” – SPEEA Legislative Director Brandon Anderson.

Southwest Airlines: “This compromise legislation is worthy of praise – as well as expeditious final passage – as it positively addresses a myriad of challenges facing the aviation industry, such as ensuring we have a safe, reliable, resilient, and customer-friendly air transportation system. Thank you for working together in a bipartisan manner and putting the interest of our Nation first.” – Southwest Airlines President & CEO Bob Jordan

Southwest Airlines Pilots Association (SWAPA): “SWAPA applauds Senators Cantwell, Cruz, Duckworth, and Moran along with Representatives Sam Graves, Garret Graves, Larsen, and Cohen and members of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee and the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for reaching an agreement on a strong bill that enhances safety, improves the FAA’s aeromedical processes, and addresses mental health initiatives. We urge Congress to act with urgency on the bill, so we can move forward on the priorities and programs identified in the legislation.” – SWAPA President and Captain Casey Murray

Transport Workers Union of America (TWU): “This bill is the result of more than a year of bipartisan, bicameral negotiations and will undoubtedly make our national airspace safer, improve the working conditions of airline workers, and return good, union jobs to the U.S…. The current extension of FAA authorization is set to expire on Friday, May 10. To ensure that this vital legislation is enacted before that date, we urge you to reject any poison-pill amendments that would unnecessarily draw out consideration of this long-overdue, must-pass bill.” – TWU International President John Samuelsen

Transportation Trades Department (TTD): “It is crucial that air travel remains the safest mode of transportation in the world. We must prioritize the well-being of those who build, operate, and maintain our aviation system….  We look forward to swift passage of the FAA bill through each chamber of Congress, promising a stronger, safer industry for workers and passengers.” – TTD President Greg Regan

United Steelworkers (USW): “It is imperative that Congress fully reauthorize the FAA’s authority before it lapses at the end of this week. While air travel remains the safest mode of transportation in the world, we must prioritize the well-being of those who build, operate, and maintain our aviation system. The FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 enhances existing safety standards, ensures sustainable growth of the aviation workforce, and facilitates improvements to infrastructure and service…. Additionally, this measure includes Section 768, which would prohibit FAA federal assistance funds from being used to purchase rail cars, monorails, buses, and other forms of rolling stock from China’s state-owned and -supported companies.” – USW International President David McCall

Venus Aerospace: “This bill will help achieve your shared commitment to ensuring that the United States continues to lead the world in aviation in the years ahead. Venus Aerospace is particularly appreciative of provisions laying the policy foundations for a U.S. hypersonic industry. America’s competitors around the world have been hard at work on hypersonic. They have already made substantial progress. Your bill ensures that the federal government prepares and will be ready as Venus and other American companies work to make hypersonic aviation a reality.” – Venus Aerospace CEO & Co-Founder Sarah “Sassie” Duggleby

Vertical Aviation International (VAI): “The FAA reauthorization bill provides significant improvements for general aviation and the vertical aviation industry specifically. This legislation supports a number of priorities that VAI has actively endorsed, including aviation safety, workforce development, and advanced air mobility.” – VAI President and CEO James Viola
