Washington, D.C.- "Today, the Trump Administration announced principles for modernizing the U.S. air traffic control system by privatizing it. Privatization was a bad idea when it was proposed in the last Congress, and it remains a bad idea today despite President Trump's support. In fact, according to the Trump budget, this proposal would increase the deficit by at least $46 billion.
"For the last two years, a bipartisan group of opponents of air traffic control privatization have raised serious concerns about whether it would guarantee safety, protect national security, expedite new technology, and keep our aviation system solvent. These questions have yet to be answered. In her confirmation hearing, Secretary Chao said there should be 'national consensus' on air traffic control reform. There is no consensus on this short-sighted privatization proposal. Committee Democrats are working on targeted reforms to help speed up the FAA's modernization efforts without privatizing the system. We hope these reforms will be bipartisan."