August 16, 2024

Ranking Member Larsen’s Statement on the Anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act

EVERETT, WA—Ranking Member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Rick Larsen (D-WA) released the following statement on the two-year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act. 

“Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, more communities in my home state of Washington and across the country are investing in green infrastructure, creating jobs and lowering costs for everyday Americans,” Ranking Member Larsen said. “After two years, the IRA has put cleaner vehicles on the road and more sustainable aircraft in the sky, reducing carbon emissions and putting more people to work. It has also helped communities restore critical wildlife habitat and protect the environment for current and future generations to enjoy. I will continue working with my T&I colleagues to build on this historic legislation and create cleaner, greener, safer and more accessible transportation that keeps people and the economy moving.”
