ICYMI: Larsen Supports FAA Extension on House Floor
“While the finish line is in sight, these extensions are still needed to keep the FAA functioning”
Washington, D.C. — In case you missed it, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Rick Larsen (D-WA) spoke on the House Floor in support of H.R. 7475, a short-term Federal Aviation Administration extension bill, which will prevent essential FAA functions from lapsing for another two months. The House and Senate are currently negotiating a final long-term comprehensive FAA reauthorization.
(To view the video, click here)
The remarks, as delivered, are below:
I rise in support of H.R. 7454, which extends the authorization of the FAA and its related authorities for another two months.
Back in July, the House engaged in a thorough and collaborative process to pass the Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act.
This bipartisan bill, which passed by an overwhelming 351 – 69 vote, will protect the safety of the flying public and ensure the future of U.S. aviation.
Though I am pleased that we are moving closer to passing a longer-term bill, we will not be done before the current authorization expires on March 8. We need more time for negotiations between the House and Senate to reconcile the two bills and produce a final, comprehensive bill.
But I want to ensure members that Chair Graves and I will continue to fight for House priorities in the bill to ensure that House Member’s voices are heard, while we address long-standing issues in our aviation system.
I support the short-term FAA extension bill and urge my colleagues to do the same. And with that, I reserve the balance of my time.
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