Ranking Member Larsen Celebrates SMART Awards from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
WASHINGTON, DC—Today, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Rick Larsen (D-WA) applauded the recent announcement of Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Awards for fiscal year 2022, which will invest in projects around the country that make transportation systems safer and more efficient.
“These SMART awards highlight the transformative nature of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law—it puts historic funding behind forward-thinking initiatives,” Ranking Member Larsen said. “Communities will address real world challenges like ushering in connected vehicles, implementing technology to create safer streets and increase the efficiency of our transportation systems. In Washington’s Second District, the award will help carry out the Cascade Gateway Advanced Border Information System (ABIS) to alert drivers of wait times on the border, increasing efficiency and improving the crossing experience. Elsewhere around the country, SMART Awards will help health facilities in Northern Virginia receive drone shipments of medical supplies, create flexible curb uses in historically disadvantaged communities of Philadelphia and centralize all transit information into one mobile app for the state of Connecticut. Projects like these will serve communities for generations to come while creating jobs.”
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