Press Releases

Rahall Praises Passage of Water Bill

May 20, 2014

Washington, D.C. - Today, U.S. Rep. Nick J. Rahall (D-WV) announced that the House has passed the Conference Report for H.R. 3080, the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA), which authorizes the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to improve the nation’s water infrastructure, such as dams, locks, navigation channels and inland waterways. The bill was introduced by Rahall, who is the top Democrat on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee that negotiated the final measure, … Continue Reading

Rahall Statement on House Consideration of WRRDA Conference Report

May 19, 2014

House Floor Remarks of U.S. Rep. Nick J. Rahall, II Conference Report on H.R. 3080 Water Resources Reform and Development Act Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of the conference report. This legislation is a reminder, and unfortunately a stark reminder, that when given a chance working together in a bipartisan fashion can produce solid results for the American people. I salute the chairman of our Transportation & … Continue Reading

Committee Releases Water Resources Reform and Development Act Conference Report

May 15, 2014

Washington, DC - The Conference Report to H.R. 3080, the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA), was filed in the House of Representatives today.  WRRDA was introduced in the House by Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-PA), Committee Ranking Member Nick J. Rahall, II (D-WV), Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee Chairman Bob Gibbs (R-OH), and Subcommittee Ranking Member Tim Bishop (D-NY).   H.R. 3080 passed the House by a vote of 417 to 3 on October 23, 2013.  House and … Continue Reading

Rep. Rahall Statement on the Passing of Former T&I Committee Chairman Jim Oberstar

May 02, 2014

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Rep. Nick J. Rahall (D-WV), the Ranking Member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, issued the following statement today on the passing of Jim Oberstar, former Minnesota Congressman and Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee: “If ever there were a patron saint of transportation policy on Earth, it would have had to have been to be my longtime and dear friend, Jim Oberstar.   “While his vast reservoir of knowledge and … Continue Reading

Rep. Rahall Reacts to DOT’s Surface Transportation Bill

April 29, 2014

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Rep. Nick J. Rahall (D-WV), the Ranking Member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, issued the following statement today after the U.S. Department of Transportation put forward a multi-year proposal to fund the nation’s surface transportation programs: “There are some in this Congress that are happy with the status quo when it comes to investing in our nation’s infrastructure.  I am not one of them. “I appreciate that Secretary Foxx has laid down a … Continue Reading

Rahall Statement on Transparent Airfares Act of 2014

April 08, 2014

STATEMENT OF THE HONORABLE NICK J. RAHALL, II FULL COMMITTEE MARKUP H.R. 4156, THE TRANSPARENT AIRFARES ACT OF 2014 APRIL 9, 2014 Thank you, Chairman Shuster. This bill does a very important thing—it stops the government from playing a shell game with the taxes and fees it imposes on the flying public. Simply put, it restores truth in advertising when it comes to the cost of a flight, finally putting consumers back in the driver’s seat. Hiding the real cost of flying from … Continue Reading

RAHALL: Ryan Budget Takes Partisan Jackhammer to Our Transportation Infrastructure

April 02, 2014

WASHINGTON, D.C. - As the House Budget Committee marks up the Fiscal Year 2015 budget resolution today, U.S. Rep. Nick J. Rahall (D-WV) slammed the proposal, saying it “would cripple the U.S. transportation system and leave millions of individuals and businesses stranded with little to no transportation options.” “This proposal takes a partisan jackhammer to our transportation infrastructure at a time when we need to be working together to find ways to rebuild it,” said Rahall, the senior … Continue Reading

Ranking Member Carson's Statement on Disaster Mitigation

April 02, 2014

OPENING STATEMENT THE HONORABLE ANDRÉ CARSON, RANKING MEMBER SUBCOMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT OVERSIGHT HEARING ON DISASTER MITIGATION: REDUCING COSTS AND SAVING LIVES April 3, 2014 Good morning and welcome to our witnesses. Chairman Barletta, thank you for working with me to schedule today’s hearing on how Disaster Mitigation can save lives and reduce costs. Before we begin, I want to extend my thoughts and condolences to those … Continue Reading

Ranking Member Rahall’s Statement at Surface Transportation Reauthorization Roundtable

February 25, 2014

STATEMENT OF THE HONORABLE NICK J. RAHALL SUBCOMMITTEE ON HIGHWAYS AND TRANSIT ROUNDTABLE ON “SURFACE TRANSPORTATION REAUTHORIZATION: STAKEHOLDER PERSPECTIVES” FEBRUARY 26, 2014 Thank you, Chairman Shuster and Chairman Petri, for holding this roundtable. Today we bring together business, labor, government, and transportation industry stakeholders - all in agreement about two things. We have an urgent transportation crisis on our hands, and Congress needs to work together to … Continue Reading

RAHALL: "In the close confines of the airplane, members of the flying public may as well be unwilling agents of the National Security Agency, forced to eavesdrop on the cell calls of other passengers, regardless of how annoying that may be to them."

February 10, 2014

REMARKS OF U.S. REP. NICK J. RAHALL, II Ranking Member Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Mark Up of H.R. 3676 February 11, 2014 Last December when the Federal Communications Commission voted to consider lifting the ban on the use of cell phones to make voice calls in flight, a chill went through the flying public and flight attendants nationwide. The prospect of sitting among dozens of people all talking on their cell phones in a confined space raises serious safety, … Continue Reading

RAHALL: "People have a basic right to know whether or not their water supplies are safe"

February 09, 2014

The Honorable Nick J. Rahall, II Ranking Member Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Field Hearing on "The Charleston West Virginia Chemical Spill" February 10, 2014 Thank you, Chairman Shuster, for your kind accommodation of my request to come to West Virginia to examine the recent spill of chemicals into the Elk River. We could have held this hearing in Washington, as other Committees have or are planning to do, but I felt, as … Continue Reading

Shuster, Rahall introduce The Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2014 (H.R. 4005)

February 06, 2014

  Shuster, Rahall introduce The Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2014 (H.R. 4005) Washington, DC - Committee leaders today introduced bipartisan legislation that authorizes the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) to carry out its vital missions, improves USCG mission effectiveness, helps replace and modernize aging Coast Guard assets in a cost effective manner, enhances oversight, and reduces inefficiencies to save taxpayer dollars.  Additionally, the bill strengthens U.S. maritime … Continue Reading

Shuster, Rahall Announce Public-Private Partnerships Special Panel

February 04, 2014

Shuster, Rahall Announce Public-Private Partnerships Special Panel Washington, DC - Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Chairman Bill Shuster (R-PA) and Ranking Member Nick J. Rahall, II (D-WV) today announced the establishment of the Committee’s next special panel, which will focus on the use of and opportunities for public-private partnerships (P3s) across all modes of transportation, economic development, public buildings, water, and maritime infrastructure and equipment. … Continue Reading

Rahall: "Our highways will not keep humming along on hope alone"

February 03, 2014

The Honorable Nick J. Rahall Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure “Building the Foundation for Surface Transportation Reauthorization” January 14, 2013 Mr. Chairman, thank you for holding this important hearing. Today, we launch the Committee’s work on a surface transportation reauthorization bill. We have before us a tremendous opportunity as well as a great responsibility: to prudently use the power and the purse of the Federal Government to improve the conditions … Continue Reading

Rahall Urges Continued Funding of Railway-Highway Crossings Program at Safety Hearing

February 03, 2014

The Honorable Nick J. Rahall Subcommittee on Highways and Transit “Improving the Effectiveness of the Federal Surface Transportation Safety Grant Programs” January 28, 2013 Mr. Chairman, thank you for holding this important hearing. Ensuring the safety of the users of the transportation network is a core function of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Further preventing the tragic loss of life and injuries that occur every day on our roads will be a top … Continue Reading

Remarks of Ranking Member Rahall; Water Resources Reform and Development Act Conference

February 03, 2014

The Honorable Nick J. Rahall, II Ranking Member Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Conference Committee on H.R. 3080, the “Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2013” and the Senate Amendment November 20, 2013 Madam Chairman, let me begin by congratulating you on being elected as Chairman of the Conference and welcoming all of the Members of the Conference. As we discussed yesterday with Chairman Shuster and Ranking Member Vitter, we all come here … Continue Reading

Rahall: House Transportation Committee to Examine Elk River Chemical Spill at Charleston Field Hearing

January 29, 2014

Rahall: House Transportation Committee to Examine Elk River Chemical Spill at Charleston Field Hearing             Washington, DC - U.S. Representative Nick J. Rahall, D-WV, announced Wednesday that the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, on which he serves as lead Democrat, will hold a Congressional field hearing in Charleston, West Virginia, on February 10th to examine the Elk River Chemical spill.  The hearing is slated to take place at 9:00 a.m., at the Kanawha County … Continue Reading

Rahall, Committee Members Kickoff WRRDA Conference

November 19, 2013

The Honorable Nick J. Rahall, II Ranking Member Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Conference Committee on H.R. 3080, the “Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2013”and the Senate Amendment November 20, 2013 Madam Chairman, let me begin by congratulating you on being elected as Chairman of the Conference and welcoming all of the Members of the Conference. As we discussed yesterday with Chairman Shuster and Ranking Member Vitter, we all come here with a … Continue Reading

WRRDA Moves Forward with House Conferee Appointments

November 14, 2013

Washington - Today, Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-PA) and Ranking Member Nick J. Rahall, II (D-WV) issued the following statements after House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) named the members selected to serve on the House-Senate conference committee tasked with resolving the differences between the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (H.R. 3080) and the Senate’s version of the water resources … Continue Reading

Special T&I Panel Releases Report on Improving U.S. Freight Transportation

October 29, 2013

Washington, DC - The Panel on 21st Century Freight Transportation, led by the panel’s Chairman, U.S. Rep John J. Duncan, Jr. (R-TN) and Ranking Member Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), released its final report today on the current state of freight transportation in the United States and its recommendations for freight transportation improvements to strengthen the U.S. economy. The special panel of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee was established by Full Committee Chairman Bill Shuster … Continue Reading